Diverse System

Current version: 4.0.
Upgradable: yes*

Overview: Diverse System is a pioneer doujin label that has been active since 2000. Originally, beatmania-related remixes were the main activity of the circle, but in the end of 2010 they received a complaint letter from KONAMI and suspended the activity. It was a turning point for the label’s life, YsK439 started recruiting various electronic composers from all over Japan (now the circle is getting work submissions from other countries as well) and decided to divide future albums genre-wise. To name a few: techno, trance, house, drum’n’bass, EDM, experimental, fusion, ambient, and so on. Thanks to the wise label policy and extremely talented composers, Diverse System became the biggest doujin label creating electronic music and is now recognized worldwide.

official site (you can buy recent albums from the official shop).

Links: lossless (mirror), lossy (mirror)

Changes: new albums


[DVSP-0001] D1-2: Diverse Style from ”B” 1st & 2nd (mp3)

[DVSP-0002] D2: Diverse Style from ”B” 2nd style. (C59) (mp3)

[DVSP-0003] D3: Diverse Style from ”B” 3rd style Normal (C60)

[DVSP-0004] D3: Diverse Style from ”B” 3rd Style Versus (C60) (mp3)

[DVSP-0005] D4: Diverse Style from ”B” 4th style (C61)

[DVSP-0006] Dear, Mr.180 (C61) (mp3)

[DVSP-0007] side-c (C60)

[DVSP-0008] Diverse System Original (M3-09)

[DVSP-0009~10] D5: Diverse Style from ”B” 5th style (C62)

[DVSP-0011] D6: Diverse Style from ”B” 6th Style (C63)

[DVSP-0012] Diverse System Original #02 (C62)

[DVSP-0013] Diverse Style, THE RAGNAROK (M3-11)

[DVSP-0014] Selfmix (C64)

[DVSP-0015] Hello, Boss (C64) (mp3)

[DVSP-0016] Diverse System Original #3 (C65)

[DVSP-0017] D7: five keys (C66)

[DVSP-0018] D7: seven keys (C66)

[DVSP-0019] D7: other mixture (C66)

[DVSP-0020] Dear, Mr.DESIRE

[DVSP-0021] Dear, Mr.TAKA (C67)

[DVSP-0022] FUJITSU (C67)

[DVSP-0023~24] D8 (C67)

[DVSP-0025] Diverse vs CAPCOM (C67)

[DVSP-0026] D9: Diverse Style from ”B” 9th style (C68)

[DVSP-0027] thE (C68)

[DVSP-0028~31] OURPATH: Diverse Style The Best 2000-2005 (C69)

[DVSP-0032] Dear, Mr.TaQ (M3-17)

[DVSP-0033] Dear, Mr.SLAKE (C70)

[DVSP-0034] Dear, Mr.Sota (C70)

[DVSP-0035] Ridge Racer Respect (C71)

[DVSP-0036~37] D11: Diverse Style from ”B” 11th style (C71)

[DVSP-0038~39] Diverse vs 8bit (C71)

[DVSP-0040] Dear, Mr.Hiroshi Watanabe (M3-19)

[DVSP-0041] D12: Diverse Style from ”B” 12th style (C72)

[DVSP-0042] Diverse vs 8bit 2 (C72)

[DVSP-0043] Dear, Mr.nagureo

[DVSP-0044~45] Dear (C73)

[DVSP-0046] D13: Diverse Style from ”B” 13th style (C74)

[DVSP-0047] Dear, Mr.NAOKI (C75)

[DVSP-0048] Dear, Mr.kors k (M3-23)

[DVSP-0049] Dear, Mr.Ryu☆ (M3-23)

[DVSP-0050~51] D14 (C76)

[DVSP-0052] AD:Nearly 130 (M3-24)

[DVSP-0053] Dear, Mr.L.E.D. (C77)

[DVSP-0054] UNDERSTAND. The JetSetRadio ReMIXXX (C77)

[DVSP-0055] Diverse vs 8bit 3 (M3-25)

[DVSP-0056] Hello, Boss.2nd. (M3-25)

[DVSP-0057~59] D15 (C78)

[DVSP-0060] AD:Nearly 140 (M3-26)

[DVSP-0061] D16 (C79) (mp3)

[DVSP-0062] Dear, Mr.Wac (C79)

[DVSP-0063] thE2 (例大祭8)

[DVSP-0064] works

[DVSP-0065] AD:Nearly 180 (M3-27)

[DVSP-0066] thE2.5 (例大祭8)

[DVSP-0067] AD:155 (C80)

[DVSP-0068] AD:TRANCE (C80)

[DVSP-0069] thinkover. (M3-28)

[DVSP-0070] Ridge Racer Respect Recreation. (C81)

[DVSP-0071~72] works.2 (C81)

[DVSP-0073] Dear, Mr.MINECRAFT (C81)

[DVSP-0074] AD:HOUSE (M3-29)

[DVSP-0075] AD:PIANO (M3-29)

[DVSP-0076] AD:100 (コミティア100)

[DVSP-0077] thE3 (例大祭9)

[DVSP-0078] thE3.5 (例大祭9)

[DVSP-0079~81] AD:TRANCE 2 (C82)

[DVSP-0082] Selentia (C82)

[DVSP-0083] AD:TECHNO (M3-30)

[DVSP-0084] AD:60 (M3-30)


[DVSP-0086] thinkover. calmdown (C83)

[DVSP-0087~8] AD:Drum’n’Bass (C83)

[DVSP-0089] AD:Electronic Dance (C83)

[DVSP-0090~1] AD:Electronic Dance 2 (M3-31)

[DVSP-0092] AD:HOUSE 2 (M3-31)

[DVSP-0093] thE4.5 (例大祭10) (東方)

[DVSP-0094~5] works.3 (C84)

[DVSP-0096] L’aventale (C84)

[DVSP-0097] JAPAN (C84)

[DVSP-0098] AD:128 (M3-32)

[DVSP-0099] AD:DUBSTEP (M3-32)

[DVSP-0100~2] AD:TRANCE 3 (C85)

[DVSP-0103] thinkover. CONVERGENCE (C85)


[DVSP-0105] Hello and Again LP (C85)

[DVSP-0106] AD:TRANCE 3.5 (C85)

[DVSP-0107] AD:PIANO 2 (M3-33)

[DVSP-0108~9] AD:Electronic Dance 3 (M3-33)

[DVSP-0110] AD:GUITAR (M3-33)

[DVSP-0111~2] works.4 (C86)

[DVSP-0113] works.tigerlily (C86)

[DVSP-0114~5] AD:HOUSE 3 (C86)


[DVSP-0118] Roots of Rhythm

[DVSP-0119] fig.1 VEIL (M3-34)

[DVSP-0120~3] AD:TRANCE 4 (C87)

[DVSP-0124~5] AD:Drum’n’Bass 2 (C87)

[DVSP-0126] AD:PIANO 3 (C87)

[DVSP-0127] fairythm (C87)

[DVSP-0128] Binary Blue

[DVSP-0129~30] works.5 (M3-35)

[DVSP-0131] AD:Nearly 120 seconds (M3-35)

[DVSP-0132~3] AD:HOUSE 4 (C88)

[DVSP-0134~5] AD:EDM 4 (C88)



[DVSP-0138] AD:TECHNO 2 (M3-36)

[DVSP-0139] fig.2 SINGULARITY (M3-36)

[DVSP-0140] BADASS (M3-36)

[DVSP-0141~2] AD:TRANCE 5 (C89)

[DVSP-0143] ZheleNaught (C89)

[DVSP-0144] LAST DANCE (C89)

[DVSP-0145] World Fragments (C89)

[DVSP-0146~7] works.6 (M3-37)

[DVSP-0148] 星を数える (M3-37)

[DVSP-0149] beatless challenge (M3-37)

[DVSP-0150~4] RADIAL (C90)

[DVSP-0155] works.thE (例大祭13)

[DVSP-0156~7] AD:HOUSE 5 (C90)


[DVSP-0159] Fly into the Sky (M3-38)

[DVSP-0160] Tsukishiro Hikari – Everything (M3-38)

[DVSP-0161~2] AD:Progressive House (M3-38)


[DVSP-0167~8] AD:PIANO IV Monochrome (C91)

[DVSP-0169] Evolved Chronicles (C91)

[DVSP-0170] Saqriphrx (C91)

[DVSP-0171] Intensely EP

[DVSP-0172~3] works.7 (M3-39)

[DVSP-0174] Dear, Mr.HIROSHI WATANABE (M3-39)

[DVSP-0175] fig.3: wave (M3-39)

[DVSP-0176] BADASS絶叫爆音上映OST

[DVSP-0177] Inside of monochrome (COMITIA 120)

[DVSP-0178~9] AD:HOUSE 6 (C92)

[DVSP-0180] AD:Drum’n Bass 3 (C92)

[DVSP-0181] AD:DUBSTEP 2 (C92)

[DVSP-0182] Ujico* – [FLOWERS] (C92)

[DVSP-0183] AD:TECHNO 3 (M3-40)

[DVSP-0184] Nardis – Call (M3-40)

[DVSP-0185] Blacklolita – アアル (M3-40)

[DVSP-0186] Sampling Challenge (M3-40)

[DVSP-0187~8] AD:TRANCE 6 (C93)

[DVSP-0189~90] AD:PIANO V Noir (C93)

[DVSP-0191] Feryquitous – Irui (C93)

[DVSP-0192] DEPTH (C93)

[DVSP-0193~4] works.8 (M3-41)

[DVSP-0195] fig.4 -Adolescence- (M3-41)

[DVSP-0196] Feryquitous x 藍月なくる – IdenTism (M3-41)


[DVSP-0198~200] Clearly -AD:HOUSE BEST- (M3-41)


[DVSP-0203] Celt Challenge 2 (C94)

[DVSP-0204~5] AD:Progressive House 2 (M3-42)


[DVSP-0207] Xacla – orbital revolution (M3-42)


[DVSP-0209] fig.5 -FOREVER- (C95)

[DVSP-0210~1] AD:TRANCE 7 (C95)

[DVSP-0212~3] AD:PIANO VI -Punishment- (C95)

[DVSP-0214] xi – Quietus Ray (C95)

[DVSP-0215~6] works.9 (M3-43)

[DVSP-0217~8] MAYA AKAI – VIOLET (M3-43)


[DVSP-0220] Breaks Challenge (M3-43)

[DVSP-0220a] BADASS絶叫爆音上映4DX オリジナル・サウンドトラック 体験版 (M3-43)

[DVSP-1002] from BMS. (とら祭り2010)

[DVSP-1003] Fusion Challenge (C84)

[DVSP-1004] Celt Challenge (M3-32)

[DVSP-1005] C87 LimitedRemixes (C87)

[DVSP-1006] Triangle (C89)

[DVSP-1007] Freedom EP (C95)

[MOSE-0001] anima I 東方 (コミケットスペシャル4)

[MOSE-0002] anima II 東方 (C69)

* to update from 1.0 version
please delete the following folders (the rips were replaced with lossless ones):
[DVSP-0057~59] D15 (C78) (aac)
[DVSP-0035] Ridge Racer Respect (C71) (mp3)
[DVSP-0054] UNDERSTAND. The JetSetRadio ReMIXXX (C77) (mp3)

you may also want to remove fpl playlists.
for example, if you use Total Commander, you can press ctrl+b in the root folder, sort by extension, mark all fpls and delete them

* to update from 2.0 version
please rename C87 LimitedRemixes (C87) folder into [DVSP-1005] C87 LimitedRemixes (C87)
* to update from 3.0 version
Remove the following folders (been replaced with better rips)

[DVSP-0020] Dear, Mr.DESIRE (mp3)
[DVSP-0025] Diverse vs CAPCOM (C67) (ogg)
[DVSP-0160] Everything (M3-38)
[DVSP-0034] Dear, Mr.Sota (C70) (mp3)
[DVSP-0055] Diverse vs 8bit 3 (M3-25) (mp3)

5 thoughts on “Diverse System

  1. [DVSP-0083] AD:TECHNO (M3-30)\Disc1\08. IDEA+RHYTHM — RUDDERHORN.flac
    Warning: Reported length is inaccurate : 5:51.506667 vs 5:51.413787 decoded
    Error: Corrupted FLAC stream
    Error: MD5 mismatch

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