Current version: 1.0
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Overview: Akiko Shikata is an avant-garde folk artist. She has a very personal music style, basically a mix of ethnic folk and neoclassical darkwave, in which she likes to use her multi-faceted soprano voice as an instrument, among other oddities. Known for her eclecticism that can be confusing at times, she has covered many styles that go from experimental rock to jazz, symphonic metal, ambient, progressive pop, industrial and classical music, as well as many subgenres of folk, just to name a few. However, most of her songs have in common an ethnic vibe, a non-linear, progressive structure with stylistic, tone and rhythm changes, quirky dissociated choirs and/or layered vocals at some point or another, simultaneous use of low and high vocals, and a lot of them could be labeled as neoclassical ©last.fm. She’s well-known for her Hymmnos chorus songs that made wide appearance on GUST games (Ar Tonelico, Ciel nosurge) together with Shimotsuki Haruka. She’s also owning doujin circle called VAGRANCY that has a long history starting from 2001. Akiko Shikata releases her orgel music on the circle, but not only.
Akiko Shikata’s Official site, VAGRANCY official site.
Links: lossless (mirror), lossy (mirror)
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Notes: Spectral analysis proved that くれなゐ, VIRIDIAN and Wisteria “flac” rips I found on the net were simple recodes, I replaced them with original mp3 ones.
- Albums
[2006.10.25] RAKA
[2009.03.18] Harmonia
[2013.10.23] Turaida
- Mini Albums
[2010.09.29] 謳う丘 ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~
[2010.10.16] Pantalea Concert Extra CD
[2011.07.08] 白夢の繭 ~Ricordando il passato~
[2012.07.27] ライラニア
[2013.03.24] LAYLANIA Another Storys [moon*birds]
[2007.03.30] 花帰葬交響曲
- Singles
[2010.04.28] 祈りの彼方
[2011.04.28] 空蝉
- Tracks
[2005.08.24] 弘田佳孝 — The 3Karma – Cogito, ergo sum.flac
[2009.03.21] 志方あきこ — Turii ~Panta rhei~.flac
[2011.03.21] 志方あきこ — Raison d’être 交差する宿命.flac
[2002.03.17] Petit Fours
[2003.03.30] horizon blue
[2003.05.04] くれなゐ
[2003.08.24] 廃墟と楽園
[2004.01.11] VIRIDIAN
[2004.12.28] 花帰葬 SOUNDTRACKS ~director’s cut~
[2004.12.30] 花帰葬 SOUND TRACKS
[2005.08.05] Navigatoria ~航海を導く星~ Extra CD
[2005.12.30] Wisteria
[2006.08.13] 花帰葬 PS2+PD SOUND TRACKS
[2007.01.07] Kalliope ~Piano Concert~
[2007.12.31] Istoria ~Musa~
[2008.08.17] Kara*Cola ~Hymmnos Orgel Collection~
[2009.08.15] Istoria ~Kalliope~ オルゴールVer
[2009.12.30] Fluff ~Orgel Arrange Mini Album~
[2010.08.14] 虹色クレヨン ~Orgel Arrange Mini Album~
[2011.08.13] lirica ~Orgel Arrange Mini Album~
[2011.12.31] Istoria ~Kalliope~
[2012.03.18] Istoria ~Kalliope~ Orgel Collection
[2013.08.12] 歯車館のエルデ